Садовая-Триумфальная улица, 10/13, вход со стороны Воротниковского пер., м. Маяковская
Тел. 299 39 64
Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya str., 10/13, enter from Vorotnikovsky pereulok, m.Mayakovskaya (green)
European cooking with an Italian accent. Appetizers - within $10, first courses - within $20.
5 специй
переулок Сивцев Вражек, 3/18, м.Кропоткинская, м.Арбатская
Тел. 203 12 83
5 species
pereulok Sivtsev Vrajek, 3/18, m.Kropotkinskaya (red), Arbatskaya (blue)
Chinese and Indian cuisine, made by native Chinese and Indians. Guests are served with special care.
Absent. Искусственный рай
Большой Каретный переулок, 11/16, м. Цветной бульвар
Тел. 209 99 08
Absent. Artificial paradise
Bolshoy Karetny pereulok, 11/16, m. Tsvetnoy boulevard (grey)
A restaurant with an interesting idea but not very cozy atmosphere.
улица Покровка, 6, м. Китай-город
Тел. 923 09 32
Pokrovka str., 6
American Bar&Grill
- 1-я Тверская-Ямская улица, 2, стр. 1, м. Маяковская
Тел.251 79 99, 250 95 25
- улица Земляной Вал, 59, м.Таганская
912 36 15, 912 36 21
- Воронцовская улица, 50, м.Пролетарская
276 40 96
American Bar&Grill
- Pervaya Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., 2, build. 1, m.Mayakovskaya (green)
- Zemlyanoy Val str., 59, m.Taganskaya (violet, brown)
- Vorontsovskaya str., 50, m.Proletarskaya (violet)
A place, popular among ex-pats. American cooking.
Красная площадь, 3, ГУМ, м.Театральная
Тел. 929 31 82
Krasnaya ploshad (Red square), 3, GUM, m.Teatralnaya (green)
Advantages: central location of the restaurant + you can combine a shop tour with the restaurant visit. European - Italian cooking.
Тимирязевская улица, 10/12, м.Тимирязевская
Тел. 232 36 15, 232 36 16
Timiryazevskaya str., 10/12, m.Timiryazevskaya (grey)
One of the few places in Moscow, which presents delicacies of Flemish cuisine. Dinner for 2, excl. alcohol - $70
Cafe des Artistes
- Камергерский переулок, 5, м. Охотный ряд
Тел. 292 40 42, 292 06 73
- Селезневская улица, 19/2, м. Новослободская
281 31 83, 258 44 03
Cafe des Artistes
Kamergersky pereulok, 5, m.Okhotny ryad (red)
- Seleznevskaya str., 19/2, m. Novoslobodskaya (grey)
Small, cozy French restaurant in modern style. Prices are cheap for Moscow. Italian and French cooking.
Crazy Milk
улица Большая Полянка, 54, м. Полянка
Crazy Milk
Bolshaya Polyanka str., 54, m.Polyanka (grey)
Several halls, International & English cuisine, dinner for 2, excluding alcohol, - $50-100.
Il Pomodoro Italiano
Страстной бульвар, 16, м.Чеховская, м. Тверская
Тел. 200 13 92, 200 13 93
Il Pomodoro Italiano
Strastnoy boulevard, 16, m.Chekhovskaya (grey), m.Tverskaya (green)
Good quality Italian cuisine, special tomato dishes.
In Town
Большая Никитская улица, 12, м.Охотный ряд
Тел. 229 53 25
In Town
Bolshaya Nikitskaya str., 12, m. Okhotny ryad (red)
Sociable, club-like atmosphere. Contemporary Mediterranean cuisine, with a predominantly Italian menu and a small number of Russian dishes, with an Italian interpretation.
La Cantina
Тверская, 5, м.Театральная, м. Охотный ряд
Тел. 292 53 88
La Cantina
Tverskaya str., 5, m. Teatralnaya (green), m.Okhotny ryad (red)
Giant portions, loud music, Latino American inexpensive cuisine.
Большая Бронная улица, 27/4, м. Пушкинская
Тел.200 30 57
Bolshaya Bronnaya str., 27/4, m.Pushkinskaya (violet)
Small, simple, comfy, very Italian restaurant.
Le Duc
ул. 1905 года, 2, м.Улица 1905 года
Тел. 255 03 90
Le Duc
1905 goda str., 2, m.Ulitsa 1905 goda (violet)
Gorgeous French restaurant for a full course meal.
Чистопрудный бульвар, 12а, м. Чистые Пруды
Тел. 925 76 25, 916 94 78
Chistoprudny boulevard, 12a, m.Chistye Prudy (red)
A well-known restaurant, one of the best in Moscow. French cuisine.
Old River Beach Club
Рублево-Успенское шоссе, пос. Успенское, поворот к пансионату "Сосны", перед Успенским ("Ельцинским") мостом поворот налево.
Old River Beach Club
Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, Uspenskoe village, turn to the holiday house "Sosny", then turn left before the Uspensky bridge
A wooden terrace above the Moscow-river, beautiful soothing natural environment and a tasty meal. Those who find the place will have a good time.
Pancho Villa
Старый Арбат, 44/1, м. Смоленская
Pancho Villa
Stary Arbat (Old Arbat), 44/1, m. Smolenskaya (blue)
A vivid Latino American restaurant.
Patio Pizza
- Тверская улица, 3, м.Охотный ряд
Тел. 292 09 65
- Волхонка, 13а, м.Кропоткинская
Тел. 298 25 20
- 1-я Тверская-Ямская, 2 (на Триумфальной пл.), м.Маяковская
Тел. 251 49 76
- Ленинский просп., 68/10 (на пересечении с Ломоносовским просп.), м.Университет
Тел. 930 56 65, 930 08 15
Patio Pizza
- Tverskaya str., 3, m.Okhotny ryad (red)
- Volkhonka str., 13a, m.Kropotkinskaya (red)
- Pervaya Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 2 (Triumfalnaya square), m. Mayakovskaya (green)
- Leninsky prospect, 68/10 (on the crossroads with Lomonosovsky prospect), m.Universitet (red)
Network of fast-service restaurants with moderate prices. Italian cooking of fast foods.
Большая Грузинская улица, 76, м. Маяковская
Тел. 251 29 14
Bolshaya Gruzinskaya str., 76, m. Mayakovskaya (green)
Quite imposing but unassuming restaurant with tasty Italian-like cuisine.
Polo Club
улица Петровка, 11/20, отель Marriott Royal Hotel Aurora, м. Кузнецкий мост
Тел. 937 00 73
Polo Club
Petrovka str., 11/20, Marriott Royal Hotel Aurora, m. Kuznetsky most (violet)
Steak restaurant in a grand hotel, specializes in USA prime beef.
Porto Maltese
Шмитовский проезд, 3, м. Улица 1905 года
Тел. 259 47 95, 256 09 39
Porto Maltese
Shmidtovsky proezd, 3, m. Ulitsa 1905 goda (violet)
Restaurant specializing in delicious fresh fish dishes. Nice place. Quite expensive.
Royal Meridien
Моховая улица, 15/1, гост. "Националь", м. Охотный ряд, м. Театральная
Тел. 258 70 00
Royal Meridien
Mokhovaya str., 15/1, hotel "National", m.Okhotny ryad (red), Teatralnaya (green)
A restaurant with Russian and European cuisine and a view of Kremlin and Manezh square from the windows.
Satin Rouge
Большой Палашевский переулок,11/1, м.Пушкинская
Тел. 209 67 65
Satin Rouge
Bolshoy Palashevsky pereulok, 11/1, m.Pushkinskaya (violet)
A distinctively decorated place with a strange mixture of very different dishes in the menu. Prices vary
Садовая-Самотечная улица, 3, м.Цветной бульвар, м.Сухаревская
Тел. 299 30 39, 299 16 56
Sadovaya-Samotechnaya str., 3, m.Tsvetnoy boulevard (grey), m.Sukharevskaya (orange)
Located in the puppet-show theatre in Obraztsov's name. Very interesting, unusual, well designed decor, delicious Italian cuisine.
Б.Златоустинский пер., 1, м. Лубянка
Тел. 921 37 97
Bolshoy Zlatoustinsky pereulok, 1, m.Lubyanka (red)
One of the best Italian restaurants. You'll need $100!
Sport's Bar
Н.Арбат, 10, м.Арбатская
Тел. 290 43 11
Sport's Bar
Novy Arbat, 10, m. Arbatskaya (dark blue)
Child care provided where parents can leave kids in professional care.
T.G.I. Friday's
-Тверская улица, 18/2, м.Пушкинская, м. Тверская
Тел. 209 36 01, 200 56 53
- Манежная площадь, 1, ТК "Охотный ряд", средний уровень, м. Охотный ряд
737 83 84
T.G.I. Friday's
- Tverskaya str., 18/2, m. Pushkinskaya (violet), m. Tverskaya (green)
- Manejnaya square, 1, Trade Complex "Okhotny ryad", middle level, m. Okhotny ryad (red)
American cuisine restaurant, good for a large party of people.
The Place
Космодамианская набережная, 52/5, м.Павелецкая
Тел. 725 40 70
The Place
Kosmodemianskaya naberezhnaya, 52/5, m.Paveletskaya (green)
Contemporary energetic atmosphere. Good European cuisine.
The Pros&Cons
Трубная улица, 28, м. Цветной бульвар
Тел. 928 82 38, 921 33 92, 234 42 30
The Pros&Cons
Trubnaya str., 28, m. Tsvetnoy boulevard (grey)
Tasty dishes of Italian and French cuisine, strange interior - not very cozy, with political motif.
Vienna Cafe
Олимпийский просп., 18/1, отель "Олимпик Пента Ренессанс" м.Проспект Мира
Тел. 931 90 00
Vienna Cafe
Olimpiysky prospect, 18/1, hotel "Olympic Penta Renaissance", m. Prospect Mira (orange)
Nice, simple, European-standard restaurant.
Садовая-Триумфальная улица, 22/31, стр, 1, м.Маяковская
Тел. 209 70 53
Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya str., 22/31, build., 1, m. Mayakovskaya (green)
Dainty wine restaurant.
Петровка, 11/20, отель м. Кузнецкий мост, м. Театральная
Тел. 937 10 00
Petrovka,11/20, m.Kuznetsky most (violet), m.Teatralnaya (green)
European and Norwegian cooking, Polo club on Sundays, 12.00 - 18.00
Тел. 776 11 11, 960 19 29
A restaurant, where you can have a nice meal (international cooking) and a pleasant walk along the Moscow river. Official site:
Фрунзенская набережная, 24, м. Фрунзенская
Тел. 242 97 73
Frunzenskaya naberejnaya (quay), 24, m.Frunzenskaya (red)
Japanese restaurant on a platform jetty, open on Mon. -Wed. 12.00 - 0.00, Thur - Sun. 12.00 - 6.00.
Камергерский переулок, 2, м. Охотный ряд
Тел. 292 98 32
Kamergersky pereulok, 2, m.Okhotny ryad (red)
Italian cooking, pizzeria. Open on Mon - Sun 10.00 - 0.00
4-й Сетуньский проезд, 10, м. Киевская
Тел. 240 86 05, 240 99 04
4th Setunsky proezd, 10, m.Kievskaya (blue, brown)
Azerbaidzhan cooking
Страстной бульвар, 14, м. Пушкинская, м. Тверская, м. Чеховская
Тел. 209 96 06, 209 74 87
Strastnoi boulevard, 14, m.Pushkinskaya (violet), m.Tverskaya (green), m.Chekhovskaya (grey)
Russian, European, Japanese cooking. Open on Mon - Sun 11.00 - 06.00. Official site:
М.Никитская, 25, м.Баррикадная
Тел. 291 70 16
Malaya Nikitskaya, 25, m.Barrikadnaya (violet)
Latinoamerican cooking, open on 10.00 - 0.30, Fri - Sun 10.00 - 5.00
Садовая-Триумфальная, 4/10 м.Маяковская
Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya, 4/10 m.Mayakovskaya
European cooking, billiard for club cards owners. Open: 12.00 - 6.00
Марксистская улица, 7, м.Пролетарская
Тел. 911 05 23
Marksistskaya str., 7, m.Proletarskaya (violet)
Classical interior, musical program - jazz. European cooking.
Б.Каретный пер., 6, м.Цветной бульвар
Тел. 299 36 96
Bolshoy Karetny pereulok, m. Tsvetnoy boulevard (grey)
Bohemian relaxed atmosphere, several halls, European cooking. Dinner for 2, excluding alcohol - $90-100
Гоголевский бульвар, 3/2, м. Кропоткинская
Gogolevsky boulevard, 3/2, m. Kropotkinskaya (red)
A simple cafe-bar to have a pleasant meal in summer.
улица 1905 Года, 2а, м. Улица 1905 года
Тел. 255 11 25
1905 goda str., 2a, m. Ulitsa 1905 goda (violet)
Expensive classy restaurant in Italian style. Italian cuisine.
Тверская улица, 6, стр. 1, м. Охотный ряд
Тел. 229 37 62
Tverskaya str., 6, build., 1, m. Okhotny ryad (red)
Quite famous place. Georgian cuisine, not the best version. Soviet-like strict service.
Мясницкая улица, 37, стр. 3, м. Чистые Пруды
Тел. 927 32 75, 927 32 72
Myasnitskaya str., 37, build. 3, m. Chistye Prudy (red)
A new-type coffee house, where you can have not only a cup of tea or coffee and a light dessert, but a substantial tasty meal. Sophisticated style.
Народная улица, 4, м. Таганская
Тел. 912 18 36
Narodnaya str., 4, m. Taganskaya (violet)
Cuban and Creole cuisine, intellectual atmosphere.
проспект Мира, 118, стр. 1, м. Алексеевская
Тел.287 76 40
prospect Mira, 118, build. 1, m. Alekseevskaya (orange)
Japanese cuisine. Filling meal would cost up to $50 for 1. 15% discount for till 16.00.
Комсомольский проспект, 21/10, м.Фрунзенская
Тел. 245 23 95
Komsomolsky prospect, 21/10, m. Frunzenskaya (red)
Beer restaurant in happy Bavarian style.
Трехпрудный переулок, 10/2, м.Маяковская, м.Пушкинская
Тел. 209 54 44
Trekhprudny pereulok, 10/2, m. Mayakovskaya (green),m. Pushkinskaya (violet)
Another strange picturesque place with French and European cuisine and quite high prices.
2-я Брестская улица, 52, Стр. 2, м. Белорусская
Vtoraya Brestskaya str., 52, build. 2, m. Belorusskaya (green)
Simple tasty Russian cooking, a dinner for 1 is about 500-600 R. ($20).
улица Балчуг, 1, м. Новокузнецкая
Тел. 230 65 00
Balchug str., 1, m. Novokuznetskaya (violet)
European cooking. Sunday festive lunches - "Linners", where you can try 'Strawberry and asparagus' and other interesting things.
2-я Брестская улица, 24, м. Маяковская
Тел. 250 28 91
Vtoraya Brestskaya str., 24, m. Mayakovskaya (green)
Chinese cuisine, moderate prices.
Ленинградский просп., 31, м. Динамо
Тел. 213 45 81
Leningradsky prospect, 31, m. Dinamo (green)Leningradsky prospect, 31, m. Dinamo (green)
A tiny sushi-bar in the big entertaining complex Bezdna. Prices are a little higher than in other similar places.
Белая лошадь
Страстной бульвар, 15а, м. Пушкинская
Тел. 209 91 09
Belaya loshad (White horse)
Strastnoy boulevard, 15a, m.Pushkinskaya (violet)
Cafe-bar, European cuisine, American style, reasonable prices.
Белый лебедь
Чистопрудный бульвар, 12, стр. 1, м. Чистые Пруды
Тел. 928 60 06
Belyi lebed
Chistoprudnyi boulevard, 12, build. 1, m.Chistye Prudy
Located on the first floor of the expensive fitness club "Fit&Fun". European cuisine, refined dishes. Count on $50.
Хорошевское шоссе, 14, м. Беговая
Тел. 945 63 45
Khoroshevskoe highline, 14, m. Begovaya (violet)
Georgian cuisine. Knowing Russian doesn't help to choose the dishes. 2 floors, a big hall and 3 fire place halls.
Маросейка, 6, м. Китай-город
Тел. 921 64 28
Maroseyka, 6, m.Kitay-gorod (orange, violet)
3 halls, 3 cuisines - Chinese, European, Arabic. A Japanese hall is planned. Interesting, not expensive.
улица Кузнецкий Мост, 19, стр. 1, м.Кузнецкий мос
Тел. 925 17 29
Kuznetsky most, 19, build 1, m. Kuznetsky most (violet)
Snobbishly furnished restaurant for "rank and fashion". Prices - starting from $ 15.